The Olive Tree Free Pentecostal Church Wembury Is Established on the Rock Christ Jesus

  • Rainbow and Ivory paved Courtyard in Millbridge Plymouth

    Friday 7th February 2025
    The Verse For Today Proverbs 18:21

  • The Converted Piggery and Courtyard with Delabole Slate Flagstones and Ironstone cobbles and setts

    "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love its use will eat its fruit. "

  • Thought for today
    "Choose your words Carefully" Taken from Proverbs 18:21

Encourage Yourself In The Lord

Thought for today
"Don't Give Up"

"Choose your words Carefully”

Friday 7th February 2025

King James Version Proverbs 18:21

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. “

New English Translation puts it like this Proverbs 18:21

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love its use will eat its fruit.”

"Choose your words Carefully"

Can you think of a time recently where someone spoke so harshly to you that you felt useless, maybe angry, and your day that had started out ok was ruined!

Most of us are guilty of using our words with little thought of their consequences.

In the book of James 3:4 it says the tongue is an unruly member, even though it is so small, just like a rudder that can turn a huge ship about so can the tongue change peoples attitudes, direction and cause great joy and great pain, depending on what and how the words were spoken.

This verse in Proverbs is accurate in its description Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love its use will eat its fruit.

Please make a note of the last few words, and put them alongside the verse that Jesus Spoke.

"Do not be deceived. God will not be made a fool. For a person will reap what he sows,"Galatians 6:7
"And those who love its use will eat its fruit" Proverbs 18:21

It is a different way of saying the same thing. So be careful.

Words, I heard it say, are like a hammer, they can be used to create beautiful things, construct bridges and build houses, but equally can be used to destroy and knock them down.

A word of encouragement can go a long way in healing broken messed up people. Let us all learn to speak with love to one another. For that is our number ONE DUTY to LOVE ONE ANOTHER as CHRIST LOVES US.

Don't let us be like that debtor who after his debt was cancelled straight away found someone that owed him and had him thrown into prison.

One day very soon we will all have to stand before a Holy and righteous God who has the power to save and to cast aside. the place where the saved go is called Heaven and the place that those who are cast aside go is called Hell and Hades, where the fire is never quenched and the smoke of their torment ascends forever.


Please feel free to send an email of your own understading of what love is and what love isn’t here.

Love Isn’t/Doesn't

  • Isn’t selfish
  • Isn’t greedy
  • Isn’t mean
  • Doesn’t tell tales
  • Isn’t spiteful
  • Isn’t conditional
  • Doesn’t show other people up
  • Get Puffed up

Love /Is/Does

  • Gives, hoping for nothing in return
  • Sacrifices itself for others
  • Stands last in the queue
  • Gives freely expecting nothing in return
  • Encourages
  • Kind
  • Is free it expects no favours in return
  • Sees the best in others
  • Reproves
  • Rebukes
  • Tells the Truth
  • Corrects
  • It is by grace that we are saved, not of works lest any man should boast

    Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV

    "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."

    Nothing that we can do can get us saved our works our good nature our hard work Nothing, that means not any thing we do can get us into heaven or earn Gods forgiveness.

    Apart from, accepting Gods offer of Salvation, made available through Gods gift to mankind. To accept it requires just 2 things from us Faith and Belief.
    A man cried out what must I do to be saved ?
    The answer came back Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

    Believing requires action, the action requires faith For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

    Believing requires repentance,
    It is being sorry for our wrong doing that moves the heart of God, It is the Goodness of God that leads us to repentance. Don't be stubborn and ignore Gods pleadings with your soul!

    It's not too late to make adjustments, and Come Shine for Our Lord And Saviour in Jesus Name Amen

  • Archive for the Last 7 Days Posts

  • Fri 31/01/25 "Redeemed by God ”

    "Redeemed by God”

    Friday 31st January 2025

    King James Version Romans 1:16

    "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.“

    New English Translation puts it like this Romans 1:16

    “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

    "Redeemed by God "

    Paul’s letter to the churches in Rome is packed with deep insights into the nature of God, the power of Jesus’ work on the cross, and how that shapes how we live our lives. In the beginning of the letter, Paul gives his readers a few summary statements before diving in.

    In Romans 1:16-17, Paul begins to discuss one of the main central ideas in the letter to the Romans.

    He begins with the gospel. The gospel message is that while humanity was enslaved to sin, Jesus came and lived a perfect human life, and died on the cross in our place. He took on the punishment that we deserved, and paid the price in full.

    Now, true life and salvation is available to everyone who believes in that gospel message. It is only through the message of the gospel that we can be truly saved.

    Additionally, everyone has the same access to salvation. Nobody has special privilege or status before God to attain salvation first. Every single person on earth can receive salvation from God by believing in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

    Paul says that this message originally came to the Jews first, as Jesus’ mission on earth began with the people of God. However, this message spread through Jesus and the apostles to the Gentiles as well. Thus, everybody has access to the saving power of God through Jesus.

    If this message is new to you, spend some time each day in God’s Word learning about the message and hope of the gospel. Thank God that He sent Jesus to make salvation available to all people, including yourself. Now, live in the assurance that you are saved and redeemed by God..

  • Sat 01/02/25 " God's Amazing Grace ”

    " God's Amazing Grace”

    Saturday 1st February 2025

    King James Version Hebrews 4:16

    "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.“

    New English Translation puts it like this Hebrews 4:16

    “Therefore let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help..”

    " God's Amazing Grace"

    The Letter to the Hebrews is a letter of explanation and encouragement to the Jewish Hebrew brethren, who were getting bogged down with the laws of God delivered by Moses on tablets of stone. These tablets refer to our stoney hearts that keep wanting to go astray. When I think of this I realise how fickle the human nature is, and how foolish we are in our lack of understanding who God is. Because we can not see God many people struggle to believe that there is a God. We just need to look at how we are made, fashioned, and look at nature and it's Awesome Wonders.

    Take the wind for instance no one has ever seen it, but you know for a certainty that it's real because, you can feel it and see its effect. So if someone told you the wind didn't exist you would think of them as ignorant or insane.

    Yet Gods handiwork is all around us, there isn't a person that has ever lived who could create what we see, apart from, One Jesus Christ who is the Word of God made Flesh.

    Man in his arrogance, and please remember he doesn't have a clue where to start in bringing about this amazing place called Earth from scratch. Rather than credit God. he looks for other possible explanations, and try's to prove things through carbon dating, and evolution preposterous examples of man's ignorance and self willed stupidity.

    The bible puts it so well, written way before science had really began to develop. Saying in Romans 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. the previous and following verses give cast iron proof of how the people of earth have chosen the route away from God and gives a spot on description of todays society.

    But through all this, Gods love still shines through, giving release to myriads of souls, who are waking up to this darkness and see hope through the cracks, as the light of Gods Amazing grace and Mercy shine through .

    I myself am a testament to Gods Love, Forgiveness, Mercy, Long-suffering and Grace, in saving a wretched man like me. Something for which I am eternally thankful for. The Bible says that there is forgiveness with God that He may be feared, not as in terrified but in AWE of Such Love Mercy and Grace.

    He is God why should he bother with someone like me, but he does and more, much, much more, he fills my heart with a joy and a peace this world couldn't supply. This is Such Amazing Grace that through the Suffering of His Son Jesus Christ we have access too, and can come boldly, not terrified but boldly to the Throne of Grace to make our requests known to Him, in times of need.

    And he leads us to the green pastures and spreads a table for us, before those who despise us and wish us harm.

    As for me I cannot do without Him The Saviour of the Lost. I once was Lost but now am found was Blind but now I see! OH What Joy Floods My Soul. Thank you Lord!

    It's a free gift the gift of Salavation.

    It is available only as a free gift, so that no one can boast about how they obtained Gods Salvation, as it is only through His Grace and His Mercy, that we can be saved.

  • Sun 02/02/25 " Our Daily Bread”

    " Our Daily Bread”

    Sunday 2nd February 2025

    King James Version Matthew 6:1

    "Give us this day our daily bread.“

    New English Translation puts it like this Matthew 6:1

    “Give us today our daily bread,”

    " Our Daily Bread"

    Now this is something to feast on; our Daily Bread,

    For some it's a good novel, for others it's facebook, others TikTok others the Financial Times, others it may be porn. The question is what is your daily bread that your heart feasts upon.

    Here in Mathew 6, starting 2 verses in front of todays text Jesus is teaching us how to pray.

    Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done In Earth as it Is In Heaven. Give Us this day our daily bread.

    There is significance in every word that Jesus speaks, he never uttered an idle word, so each word carries weight and meaning.

    He also said man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from Gods mouth.

    So this request for food is not just the food that we physically eat but also what we feed our hearts and minds on.

    So think carefully about what your heart and mind feast upon, for all is vanity and pursuit of the wind. But Gods words will endure forever. So whatsoever things are pure, are of good report, are written in the book of life; the Bible, feast on these things and your success in life is assured.

    The Psalmist penned in Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

    So seek Gods Kingdom first and His righteousness , not ours and everything else will be added to you.

    Always giving thanks for all things in Jesus Name to God the Father, for it is by His Grace we are saved.

  • Mon 03/02/25 " The Giver of Good Things”

    "The Giver of Good Things”

    Monday 3rd February 2025

    King James Version James 1:17

    "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.“

    New English Translation puts it like this James 1:17

    “All generous giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or the slightest hint of change.”

    " The Giver of Good Things "

    James 1:17 has a lot to tell us about God. First off, James tells us that God is the one who gives good and perfect gifts. This is because God is the creator of the universe. He is the one who formed everything and everyone. Everything starts with God, so all good gifts and blessings in life come from God.

    In addition to that, it is God who gives us salvation, which is the greatest gift. He freely offers us eternal life by believing in Jesus as the One who saves us. God not only gives perfect gifts, but He also is the perfect Gift.

    The next thing we learn about God in this verse, is that God reigns from heaven, but has also come down from heaven to us. God rules and reigns from His throne in Heaven, as Psalm 103:19 says. But we also see in John 6:38 that Jesus came down from Heaven and took on flesh. He is the perfect gift that has come down from heaven.

    Lastly, we learn from this verse that God is unchanging. Humans are constantly changing. We are continually growing, learning, and forming new opinions. God is not like that. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and His character never changes.

    The God who loves us and gives us grace today will do the same tomorrow. He is good, all the time. 

    So take some time today to thank God for who He is and what He has done for you. Thank Him for the gifts and blessings He has given you.

    Thank Him for the gift of salvation.

  • Tue 04/02/25 " A New Paradigm”

    "A New Paradigm”

    Tuesday 4th February 2025

    King James Version 1 Peter 3:9

    "not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.“

    New English Translation puts it like this 1 Peter 3:9

    “ Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but instead bless others because you were called to inherit a blessing. ”

    " A New Paradigm "

    Before Jesus, God’s people operated under the law of Moses. When it came to personal injury and harm, the rules were clear and seemed fair: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (Exodus 21:24). Essentially, for each hurt that someone caused, an equal hurt should be visited upon that person.

    But then, Jesus came. Jesus turned the idea of fairness upside down. During the famous Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, Jesus says: 

    “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.” Matthew 5:38-39 NIV

    Jesus didn’t just adjust God’s people’s understanding of how they treated others. He preached a completely new paradigm:

    Love others even if they hate you.  Serve others even if they mistreat you.  Pray for others even if they persecute you.

    The Apostle Peter, who likely wrote the books of 1 and 2 Peter, was one of the disciples with Jesus on the hillside during the Sermon on the Mount. In a letter to believers years after Jesus’ death and resurrection, Peter repeats Jesus’ teaching:

    Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9 NIV

    There was nothing Jesus asked of us that He didn’t model Himself. If He had operated out of an eye-for-eye, tooth-for-tooth paradigm, how could we have ever been saved by His sacrifice? Out of pure love and forgiveness, Jesus gave His life for us. He offered a new paradigm. He taught us a better way.

  • Wed 05/02/25 " A Worthy Guide”

    "A Worthy Guide”

    Wednesday 5th February 2025

    King James Version Galatians 5:16

    "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. “

    New English Translation puts it like this Galatians 5:16

    “ by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.”

    " A Worthy Guide"

    Is it possible to live a life that honours God? Is it achievable to train our minds and bodies to do what we know is right—instead of feeling powerless against temptation?

    Paul’s letter to the churches in Galatia is a guide for such questions:

    “So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.” Galatians 5:16

    Without surrendering and submitting to God’s lead, our sinful nature is at war with what God has for us.

    Left to ourselves, we crave what the world desires. And the more we give into our unique shades of temptation, the more we crave (like craving sweets for the sugar, or craving pornography for the dopamine rush). But with the help of the Holy Spirit, who softens and moulds and reshapes our hearts, we can learn to crave what God’s deemed best.

    To put it simply, the secret to living a godly life is the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit just so happens to be God—one of the three persons of the God-Head: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus has already done the hard and beautiful work of salvation—by living, dying, and rising again for the sake of His children—but now He wants to continue His mighty work in us and through us. 

    If it sounds impossible, it is impossible—if you’re fighting by yourself. But, as Jesus told His disciples, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27 NIV) The psalmist also brought another valuable perspective, writing, “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.” (Psalms 119:9 NIV)

    When we cling to His Word, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit, it’s not only possible—but also probable—to live a life that honours Him.

    Here's the thing. We Can do All things through Christ who strengthens us. How does this happen Simply put, you achieve it by surrendering your will to His will and not the fleshes. You are then able to resist the temptation and what follows next is Gods amazing grace takes over and blesses you, Now when God blesses you it is so amazing and the reward of His Blessing is far greater than the fleeting, momentary pleasure obtained by satisfying the flesh.

    Maybe you haven't realised yet the flesh is not and can never be satisfied. Oh yes; you see people that appear to be happy with their life, but when you dig deeper you find that deep down they are not happy, what you see is someone putting on a brave face, a front. We as humans are so easily deceived by outward appearances, but God He looks on the heart of man, he see's what we try to hide.

    What we see now in the world are people who are given over to their own hearts lust, craving for food, sex in any format, drugs, alcohol and gambling. Murder in the name of religion, haters of God, thieves and liars.

    Ask yourself do they look happy. are you truly happy, only a very sad person will lie to themselves.

    But whatever you have done, no matter what, there is Someone who Really Loves you and, wants to rescue you. His Name is Jesus Christ the only Son begotten of God His Father and He Wants to adopt you into His Family if you will repent and believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ.

    The true Christian is a happy and contented person, they don't need drugs, gambling, elicit sex or excitement. But, Please realise that none are perfect, but the true Christian is being transformed daily by the renewing of their mind and the cleansing flow of the washing of the water by Gods word.

    They have wells of living water springing up inside of them, a well that can never run dry. Come Taste and See that the Lord is Good. In Jesus Name, Amen

  • Thu 06/02/25 " Don't Give Up”

    "Don't Give Up”

    Thursday 6th February 2025

    King James Version 2 Chronicles 15:7

    "Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded. “

    New English Translation puts it like this 2 Chronicles 15:7

    “ But as for you, be strong and don’t get discouraged, for your work will be rewarded.”

    "Don't Give Up"

    Can you think of a time recently where something was so hard that you just wanted to give up, but you didn't? Where did you draw strength from? What kept you going?

    One of the most incredible parts of being a Christ-follower is that our own strength is only part of the equation. God's strength wells up in us. Psalm 46:1 says, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." How incredible that it doesn't say, "A sometimes present help." He is "a very present help."

    In 2 Chronicles 15, we see that Asa, King of Judah, was up against major challenges—he had been trying to refocus the nation of Judah on God after years of idolatry and war. He was facing a huge challenge! Through the prophet Azariah, God spoke this encouragement to him to build him up:

    "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7 NIV

    God knew what Asa faced. He knew every detail of the burden, and all that was at stake. God also knew the strength He could provide to someone willing to rely on Him. He didn't say, "Good luck out there, that looks rough so don't blow it." He said, "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."

    Just as Asa heard these words and took courage, we can take courage, too. We are not alone. We can rely on God's strength. The reward is coming. Don't give up.

    • I could not do without Thee

      One of my Favourite Hymns

      1 I could not do without thee,
      O Saviour of the lost,
      whose precious blood redeemed me
      at such tremendous cost;
      thy righteousness, thy pardon,
      thy precious blood, must be
      my only hope and comfort,
      my glory and my plea.

      2 I could not do without thee,
      I cannot stand alone,
      I have no strength or goodness,
      no wisdom of my own;
      but thou, beloved Saviour,
      art all in all to me,
      and weakness will be power
      if leaning hard on thee.

      3 I could not do without thee,
      for, oh, the way is long,
      and I am often weary,
      and sigh replaces song:
      how could I do without thee?
      I do not know the way;
      thou knowest, and thou leadest,
      and wilt not let me stray.

      4 I could not do without thee,
      O Jesus, Saviour dear;
      e’en when my eyes are holden,
      I know that thou art near;
      how dreary and how lonely
      this changeful life would be
      without the sweet communion,
      the secret rest with thee.

      5 I could not do without thee;
      no other friend can read
      the spirit’s strange deep longings,
      interpreting its need;
      no human heart could enter
      each dim recess of mine,
      and soothe, and hush, and calm it,
      O Blessed Lord, but thine.

      6 I could not do without thee,
      for years are fleeting fast,
      and soon in solemn loneness
      the river must be passed;
      but thou wilt never leave me,
      and though the waves roll high,
      I know thou wilt be near me,
      and whisper, 'It is I.'

      Written by Francis R Havergal
    • Jesus Lingers Still

      Jesus Lingers Still

      By W. Lawrence (1868-1942)

      Jesus lingers still, 'tis for you He waits,
      And He's waited for you long;
      He waits that heav'n, with its fadeless joy,
      May yet to you belong.

      Come and welcome, welcome whosoever will,
      'Tis the Saviour's gracious call;
      He is able, willing, waiting now to save;
      Simply trust Him, that is all.

      Though your wayward feet have wandered far,
      And you're deeply sunk in sin,
      Yet in patient grace now the Saviour waits
      Your weary heart to win.

      Though His gracious call you have oft refused,
      And He's sought your trust in vain,
      Yet with love unchanged by cold neglect
      He is seeking you again.

      O surrender now, yield to love divine,
      Jesus lingers for you still;
      While in grace He says, Come unto Me
      Let your answer be, I will!

    • Amazing Grace

      Amazing Grace
      written by John Newton a converted Slave trader

      1 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
      That saved a wretch; like me!
      I once was lost, but now am found,
      Was blind, but now I see.

      2 ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
      And grace my fears relieved;
      How precious did that grace appear
      The hour I first believed!

      3 The Lord hath promised good to me,
      His word my hope secures;
      He will my shield and portion be
      As long as life endures.

      4 When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
      Bright shining as the sun,
      We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
      Than when we first begun.

    • Rock Of Ages

      Rock Of Ages
      written by Augustus Montague Toplady (1740-1778)

      1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
      Let me hide myself in Thee;
      Let the water and the blood,
      From Thy riven side which flowed,
      Be of sin the double cure,
      Save me from its guilt and power.

      2 Not the labor of my hands
      Can fulfil Thy law’s demands;
      Could my zeal no respite know,
      Could my tears forever flow,
      All could never sin erase,
      Thou must save, and save by grace.

      3 Nothing in my hands I bring,
      Simply to Thy cross I cling;
      Naked, come to Thee for dress,
      Helpless, look to Thee for grace:
      Foul, I to the fountain fly,
      Wash me, Saviour, or I die.

      4 While I draw this fleeting breath,
      When mine eyes shall close in death,
      When I soar to worlds unknown,
      See Thee on Thy judgment throne,
      Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
      Let me hide myself in Thee.

    • Christ is the Saviour of Sinners

      Christ is the Saviour of sinners
      written by Heyman Wreford

      1 Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
      Christ is the Saviour for me;
      Long I was chained in sin’s darkness,
      Now by His grace I am free.

      Saviour of sinners,
      Saviour of sinners like me,
      Shedding His blood for my ransom,
      Christ is the Saviour for me.

      2 Now I can say I am pardoned,
      Happy and justified, free,
      Saved by my blessed Redeemer,
      This is the Saviour for me.

      3 Just as I was He received me,
      Seeking from judgment to flee,
      Now there is no condemnation,
      This is the Saviour for me.

      4 Soon shall the glory be dawning,
      Then His own face I shall see,
      Sing, O my soul, in thy gladness,
      This is the Saviour for me.

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