What a Great Day for the Lord
Oh The Love of Jesus that saved a wretch like me.
Thats my excuse for serving the Lord it is the very least that I can do after He has done so much for me.
I Have been forgiven so much, that I am unable to thank God enough for what my Saviour has done for me.
I am like the person Jesus spoke about who has been forgiven much. I love my Lord So much
But you know God Is the Father who Loves to Give, throwing a party for the prodigals return, and the joy that flows is amazing. If you don't experience it then you must check your motives; one thing that I have learnt, and that is that God loves willing people.
Why not come and join us every Saturday there is always someone on the streets of Plymouth around 10:30 - 1:00 bringing the Greatest News Ever to the Lost.
Come and be blessed in Jesus Name